So we are just starting out in Bonsai, The type of plant you are going to use is chosen, and you know the spot, inside or outside, that you are going to place the tree. You have the right Bonsai tools to care for your tree, so what is next?.... The Tree!
The next step is to buy your tree. As i've written in an earlier post on this blog, your Bonsai tree can be grown from any hardy plant or shrub in its natural location, what makes it a Bonsai is the continuous pruning of both the branches AND the roots, which keeps it in its miniature state.
From experience, it's a good plan to try and develope a fresh plant into a bonsai tree using the advice you gain along the way, rather than buy a pre-formed bonsai from somewhere like a garden-centre or hardware store. The main reasons for this are, to buy pre-formed, you are missing out on valuable education!, and upto the point of purchase, you can't be sure of the tree's 'up-bringing', ie, what care has gone into it's cultivation, and what conditions it's been kept in.
Ok to accompany this, I have compiled i list of 7 Bonsai beginners Tips:
- Decide where you are going to place your Bonsai. Generally, the best place is outside. There are plants which perform well inside, but for beginners, the best results often come from growing outdoor plants, outside.
- Spend a little time researching which type of plant is best for the spot you will place it in.
- Look for a slow growing plant that has relatively small leaves.
- With this in mind, choose your tree! Beginners can have a lot of success with Maples, Hawthorns, Pines and even Fruit Trees. Here is an excellent video describing some good trees for beginners.
- Make sure you have the correct Bonsai tools. This video will tell you what you need to know about tools. Please be aware, household scissors are not suitable bonsai tools!
- Having selected a fresh, unprepared plant, clip the crown and roots of the plant to the desired size. A good indication of how much to remove is making the root cluster roughly the same size as the remaining foliage.
- Tend and Water daily. Be very careful not to add so much water that the soil becomes waterlogged, it should never be more than moist throughout. And NEVER let it dry out!
Following these tips should be a good enough guide for the majority of beginners. Needless to say though, bonsai tree care is a continuous activity. You will gain knowledge as you continually look after your tree, but please be aware that during this learning period, you WILL make mistakes!, we all do it! But thats ok, because you will learn from it :)
Nice bonsai blog!
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