Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bonsai Tree Care

I've spent so much time surfing around on the net recently, looking for some sound advice on caring for my bonsai tree, that soon i expect to find some advice that says something like "sitting at your pc looking for bonsai tree care tips and neglecting your tree is to be avoided at all costs..."!

Thankfully though, i haven't come away empty handed. My Bonsai knowledge learning curve has finally begun to break away from the base line, and subjects such as Watering (bigger subject than a novice might think), Pruning, Shaping, Re-potting and Feeding are no longer the daunting, mystical subjects they once were.

All thanks to the good ol' internet!

I don't know about you, but around where i live there are very few folks who have the slightest interest in Bonsai, not that i've come across anyway. I toyed with the idea of putting an ad in the local paper, but it felt too much like subscibing to the lonely hearts or something!! No, if it wasn't for the internet, my interest in Bonsai would most likely have died pretty soon after my poor tree. (Which isn't dead by the way!, it's doing quite nicely thank you) I'll just quickly show you one of the better articles i've found, it's to do with the soil....

The soil used to raise bonsai is normally a porous soil that drains
well. The type of soil as well as the shape and design of the pot will
affect quickly the soil dries out. Different tree types will require
different amounts of water to thrive. You will need to research your
specific species of tree for a general guideline and then closely
monitor how the tree grows to determine if it is being watered
correctly. If you take your pot and place it on top of some rocks in a
tray full of water this will help increase the humidity around the tree
and will aid in it’s growth. Along with normal watering about once a
week you should fully submerge the
bonsai tree pot until no more
bubbles escape from the pot or the soil.

Here's the link to the original article

I'd love to hear what you guy's think of that one.

Also, this bonsai tree care ebook is currently my 'Bible'... well worth checking out!

Talk to you Soon


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